Coping with divorce or separation

When parents separate, it’s hard for the whole family. Scroll down for help and advice for parents, including practical information,  and a section for children and young people

Talking to your children about divorce or separation

It can be difficult to know how to tell your children about divorce or separation, especially when you may be struggling with painful emotions. It is helpful to remember that at any age, your child is likely to feel a sense of loss and grief.  They may feel angry, guilty, sad or anxious, and they may take their feelings out on their parents. The links below include good support for you and your child or children, plus information on legal aspects and some helplines.



What to tell the children about divorce or separation ages 7-14 yrs


My mum and dad are divorcing or separating

If you’re finding things really tough in your family, read more here. You can also talk to someone on the phone or chat safely online; just click over to our under-12-years support page